ETHIOPIA Yigacheffe Aricha Adorsi - Anaebrobic Natural
ETHIOPIA Yigacheffe Aricha Adorsi - Anaebrobic Natural

ETHIOPIA Yigacheffe Aricha Adorsi - Anaebrobic Natural

Browny Coffee Roasters
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  • Intense fruitiness, floral, and citrus
  • Raspberry, passion fruit, and bergamot
  • Bright and complex acidity
  • Body: Medium-bodied Body
  • Long-lasting, with a sweet and fruity finish aftertaste

The Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Aricha Adorsi - Anaerobic Natural coffee comes from the renowned Yirgacheffe region, situated in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region (SNNPR) of Ethiopia. The region is celebrated for its high altitude (1,800-2,200 meters), diverse microclimates, and fertile soil, which contribute to the coffee's distinct flavor and aroma.

This coffee undergoes an anaerobic natural processing method, where the cherries are fermented in airtight containers, intensifying the fruit flavors and creating a unique cup profile. The Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Aricha Adorsi - Anaerobic Natural coffee offers a vibrant and complex taste, featuring bright acidity, intense fruitiness, and a medium body. With its rich notes of raspberry, passion fruit, and bergamot, this coffee is a delightful choice for those seeking a truly exceptional and distinctive cup.